And she says…

This is the post from Caitlin to her peeps about this new development:

I feel overjoyed, lucky, and, frankly, amazed, to be connecting with a person who’s genuinely excited to have me as her plus-one; who believes, as any reasonable person ought to, that Oreos are
appetizers; who only sings along to pop music that’s not in English; who sends me audio recordings instead of photos; who dances around the kitchen with me just because; who listens to me, talks with me, and remains patient with and attentive to my endless ‘lesbian processing’ (i.e., over-thinking); who describes hilarious movie mistakes instead of just narrating what’s going on; who reads a million books but somehow finds more than enough time to read anything and everything I write; who sees and notices enough for both of us; who can transform a bland vanilla shake into a delicious chocolate shake, because there’s always a way; who can say a hundred different things with just a hug or touch; who’s changing tons of kids’ and adults’ lives for the better with her passion, her work, and her tremendous powers of empathy and awareness; and who assures me, when I apologize (unnecessarily) for being “extra,”, that she “loves my joy.” I’m incredibly happy- and honored–to be in a relationship with this remarkable, beautiful, earnest soul, and I’m so unspeakably grateful that Martha and I wandered onto the same path, grabbed hands, and held on.
Here’s a pic from before Martha and I were dating (because we have big life goals and can’t always take sighted pictures of everything all the time). Image description by my fantabulously sweet and supportive second mom, Whitney Walker.

Selfie of Martha and Caitlin, taken by Martha, at one of Caitlin's recent book readings. Martha has closely cropped dark hair, a grey hoodie, and a black t-shirt with white writing. Caitlin has long dark hair and a dress with a yellow beehive and bees printed on it, plus several buttons on her BrailleNote strap. They are both smiling joyously at the camera and Caitlin is looking up slightly with her eyes half closed, blissed out. Behind them are store displays and racks of books. Several baby onesies printed with various messages are hanging above their heads.
Selfie of Martha and Caitlin, taken by Martha, at one of Caitlin’s recent book readings. Martha has closely cropped dark hair, a grey hoodie, and a black t-shirt with white writing. Caitlin has long dark hair and a dress with a yellow beehive and bees printed on it, plus several buttons on her BrailleNote strap. They are both smiling joyously at the camera and Caitlin is looking up slightly with her eyes half closed, blissed out. Behind them are store displays and racks of books. Several baby onesies printed with various messages are hanging above their heads.

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